Many mums contact The Ballet Studio when they see their child delighting in dancing around at home. Kids have a natural affiliation with music, and all it takes is for you to put some music on and they are off, swinging and swaying to the music. So it’s natural that you’d like to nurture this music and movement appreciation and start ballet lessons for your child. But sometimes it’s juts too early. So when is the best age to start classical ballet lessons for your child? There are several things to consider before you call us. Firstly, your child will need to be toilet trained, before commencing ballet class. Tiny tots still wearing a nappy is simply too young. Secondly, it’s more about your child’s developmental stage rather than a particular age. Is your child ok to be without you for the duration of the class? Mums and bubs classes are great if your child is not yet used to being without you in the room.
Finally, is your child able to cope with the structure of a ballet class? Can they follow instruction, show they are able to concentrate for a period of time, and relate well to other children? If so, then it’s time to bring them along to experience a real ballet class.
The Ballet Studio is experienced in early childhood development and how best to engage and nurture your child through their first few lessons, and we look forward to meeting your tiny budding ballerina.